Cloudflare Cheatsheet
Create pages with Github Integration
When creating the app using cli, you need to skip deploy, this way you can create the project in dashboard and
connection to github. Use --deploy
for c3.
npm create cloudflare@latest my-next-app -- --framework=next --deploy=false
Pass additional arguments to the template
Cloudflare's c3 cli calls other cli to create project. To pass arguments to the underlying cli such
as create-docusaurus use another ---
pass things like -typescript
to the docusaurus cli.
npm create cloudflare@latest at15 -- --type webFramework --framework=docusaurus -- --typescript
Setup domain name for pages
- The domain name need to manged by cloudflare, either register using cloudflare or set the nameserver to use cloudflare
- Setup using custom domain in the pages dashboard